Como ser un explorador del mundo

Author: Keri Smith
- Non-Fiction
- Editorial Paidós
- ISBN: 9786075690186
- Release Date: 02-16-2021


Artists and scientists analyze the world around them in surprisingly similar ways, by observing, collecting, documenting, analyzing, and comparing. In this captivating guided journal, readers are encouraged to explore their world as both artists and scientists.

The mission Smith proposes? To document and observe the world around you as if you've never seen it before. Take notes. Collect things you find on your travels. Document findings. Notice patterns. Copy. Trace. Focus on one thing at a time. Record what you are drawn to. Through this series of beautifully hand-illustrated interactive prompts, readers will enjoy exploring and discovering the world in ways they never even imagined.

A la persona que tiene este libro en sus manos: si crees que eres incapaz de usar tu imaginación, lo mejor es que lo devuelvas de inmediato al lugar de donde lo sacaste. No es para ti. Y es que este libro… te obligará a dejar a un lado tu incredulidad, hacer tareas que te harán sentir algo raro, ver el mundo de formas que te harán pensar diferente, llevar a cabo experimentos de forma regular y considerar vivos algunos objetos inanimados.

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