Si te vas a enamorar, enamórate bien

Author: Ignacio Nacho Llantada
- Non-Fiction
- Grijalbo
- ISBN: 9786073187299
- Release Date: 03-23-2020


Este libro está dirigido a todos los que creen en el amor, a los que se atreven a soñar, a los que desean mejorar como personas y transformar el mundo.

Si te vas a enamorar, hazlo bien. Hazlo de alguien que valga la pena. Con quien no tengas qye forzar nada. Hazlo de quien quiera conocer todo de ti. desde tu color favorito, hasta tu secreto más profundo> Enamórate de quien ame tu risa. Hazlo de quien quiera a tu familia y la sienta como la suya. De quien quiera presumirte, enseñarte a todo el mundo. Si te vas a enamorar hazlo con alquien que sientas un mismo latido, con quien lea tu mente y te haga ver en la oscuridad. ¡Eso! Enamórate de alguien con poderes, en especial el “poder” de hacerte sentir bien. 
Si te vas a enamorar, enamórate bien

This book is geared to all who believe in love, to those who dare to dream, to those who wish to become better people and transform the world.
If you are going to fall in love, do it well. Do it with someone worthwhile, with whom you don’t have to force anything. Fall in love with someone who wants to get to know everything about you, from your favorite color, to your deepest secret. Fall in love with someone who loves your laugh, someone who loves your family and makes it as their own. Someone who wants to show you off to the whole world. If you are going to fall in love, do it with someone whose heartbeat is in synch with yours, someone who can read your mind, and help you see in the darkness.
Fall in love with someone who has powers, especially the “power” to make you feel good.  If you are going to fall in love, fall in love correctly.

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