
Author: Jose Carlos Llop
- Fiction
- Alfaguara
- ISBN: 9788420437606
- Release Date: 08-20-2019


El nuevo libro del autor considerado por la crítica «el Modiano español» (Le Figaro). Una novela deslumbrante sobre el amor y el deseo.

El enamoramiento es un país inventado por el deseo. Tras la muerte de su madre, el hallazgo de unas cartas guardadas durante décadas lleva al protagonista de esta novela -un profesor universitario cercano a la sesentena- a revisar su propia vida y la de sus padres, moldeadas y distorsionadas -todas ellas- por sus distintas relaciones amorosas.

Convertido en corresponsal de su propia existencia, el narrador se ve inmerso en un combate contra sí mismo que, entre lo instintivo y lo racional, le conduce al convencimiento de ser sólo un eslabón de la cadena que le conecta con todos aquellos que a lo largo de los siglos amaron y perdieron. Oriente es una novela sobre el amor como máscara del deseo y de la pasión, cuya grandeza encierra su propio fin.

“The new book by the author considered by critics to be “the Spanish Modiano.” –Le Figaro

A dazzling novel about love and desire. Falling in love is a country invented by desire.

After his mother’s death, the discovery of some decades-old letters leads the protagonist of this novel—a university professor close to his sixties—to review his own life and those of his parents, all of which have been shaped and distorted by their different romantic relationships.

Now a correspondent of his own life, the narrator finds himself immersed in a combat against himself. Somewhere between instinctive and rational, it leads him to the conviction that he is only a link in the chain that connects him with all those throughout the centuries who have loved and lost. East is a novel about love as a mask of desire and of passion, whose grandeur contains its own end.

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