Fuera del laberinto

Author: Spencer Johnson
- Non-Fiction
- Ediciones Urano
- ISBN: 9788416997015
- Release Date: 05-30-2019


Esta es la esperada secuela a ¿Quién se ha llevado mi queso? Una vez más, con su característico estilo simple y profundo, Spencer Johnson continúa la historia de Hem y Haw, los dos hombrecitos encerrados en un laberinto a los que les han movido el queso de lugar. En Fuera del laberinto se continúa la historia de Hem que había quedado atrapado por su propia inactividad y su temor a cambiar. Ahora, junto con una nueva amiga llamada Esperanza, comenzará un proceso de descubrimiento que lo llevará a pensar fuera de la caja o, mejor dicho, fuera del laberinto.

In his trademark style that has won tens of millions of fans, Dr. Spencer Johnson once again shares a simple story that offers profound truths about how to transform your life. Written for all ages and backgrounds, this story takes less than an hour to read, yet its insights can last for a lifetime.

Out of the Maze is a short, sweet, cheesy (yes) book -but it's a calming, quick read and is likely to be in huge demand as an optimistic, accessible way to start thinking about change. The Financial Times

This story is for everyone who is facing a difficult situation in life -which everyone does at one time or another. You can stop going about trying to retrieve what you've lost and escape from a maze of indecision. Out of the Maze truly can help you let go of old baggage and explore the impossible by choosing a new belief. Florida Times-Union

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