La Catadora de Hitler

Author: V.S. Alexander
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Co.
- ISBN: 978-6070757259
- Release Date: 04-09-2019


In early 1943, Magda Ritter's parents send her to relatives in Bavaria, hoping to keep her safe from the Allied bombs strafing Berlin. Young German women are expected to do their duty-working for the Reich or marrying to produce strong, healthy children. After an interview with the civil service, Magda is assigned to the Berghof, Hitler's mountain retreat. Only after weeks of training does she learn her assignment: she will be one of several young women tasting the Führer's food, offering herself in sacrifice to keep him from being poisoned. Perched high in the Bavarian Alps, the Berghof seems worlds away from the realities of battle. Though terrified at first, Magda gradually becomes used to her dangerous occupation-though she knows better than to voice her misgivings about the war. But her love for a conspirator within the SS, and her growing awareness of the Reich's atrocities, draw Magda into a plot that will test her wits and loyalty in a quest for safety, freedom, and ultimately, vengeance. Vividly written and ambitious in scope, The Taster examines the harrowing moral dilemmas of war in an emotional story filled with acts of extraordinary courage. "Alexander has clearly done his homework. Chilling in its realism, his work depicts the improprieties long abandoned by the Catholic Church and only recently acknowledged. Fans of the book and film Philomena will want to read this." --Library Journal

¿Hitler se suicidó o fue asesinado por uno de sus más cercanos colaboradores? Basándose en la estremecedora historia de Margot Wölk, V. S. Alexander ha escrito un absorbente thriller que pone en duda lo que sabemos sobre la muerte del Führer. Cuando los bombardeos de los Aliados comienzan a caer sobre Berlín, los padres de Magda deciden enviarla con sus tíos a las montañas, donde le consiguen un trabajo en el Berghof, el lugar de descanso de Hitler. Tras una serie de rigurosos exámenes físicos y mentales, es asignada a la cocina. ¿Su labor? Formará parte del grupo de mujeres dedicadas a catar los alimentos del Führer para asegurarse de que no estén envenenados. En medio de la belleza de los Alpes bávaros, poco a poco Magda se olvida de los horrores de la guerra y del peligro que arrastra su nuevo trabajo. Sin embargo esta aparente calma se esfumará cuando conozca al capitán de las SS Karl Weber, un conspirador que intenta convencerla de que el Führer debe morir y ella es la pieza más importante de un complot que pondrá a prueba su inteligencia y lealtad.

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