Los Gunner

Author: Rebecca Kauffman
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Co.
- ISBN: 9786070756771
- Release Date: 04-09-2019


«Rebecca Kauffman ha hecho algo extraordinario en su novela, nos ha mostrado que los amigos, especialmente los de la infancia, no necesitan entenderse para aceptarse». —THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW. Cuando Mikey y sus amigos eran niños, el mundo les parecía enorme y les ofrecía un sinfín de posibilidades, a pesar de la realidad tan distinta y difícil de cada uno. Los Gunner, como se hicieron llamar, solían reunirse por las noches en la casa abandonada al final de la calle y soñaban con lo que el futuro tenía deparado para ellos. Pero ahora han crecido, cada uno ha tomado caminos distintos y la vida no ha resultado como se lo prometieron. La primera grieta de su separación fue cuando Sally decidió alejarse del grupo sin dar explicaciones; después la inevitable madurez se encargó de acabar con lo que quedaba de los Gunner. Han pasado diez años y el reencuentro es agridulce: Sally se suicidó y su funeral es el motivo de su reunión. Su misterioso distanciamiento del grupo vuelve a estar sobre la mesa. Todos se sienten culpables, pero saben que hay secretos que es mejor guardar para mantener intacta la belleza de aquella infancia. Ellos ocultan sus secretos más oscuros. 

"Kauffman has done something remarkable with The Gunners . . . She's made spending time with [her characters] not just tolerable but delightful. And she's achieved this not by manufacturing likability, but by so convincingly rendering the affection between them that you accept each character's foibles as readily as they do one another's . . . There's so much generosity and spirit and humor shared by whatever characters are on the page at any given time that I was always happy to accompany them."  The New York Times Book Review

Following her wonderfully received first novel, Another Place You've Never Been, called "mesmerizing," "powerful," and "gorgeous," by critics all over the country, Rebecca Kauffman returns with Mikey Callahan, a thirty-year-old who is suffering from the clouded vision of macular degeneration. He struggles to establish human connections, even his emotional life is a blur.

As the novel begins, he is reconnecting with "The Gunners," his group of childhood friends, after one of their members has committed suicide. Sally had distanced herself from all of them before ending her life, and she died harboring secrets about the group and its individuals. Mikey especially needs to confront dark secrets about his own past and his father. How much of this darkness accounts for the emotional stupor Mikey is suffering from as he reaches his maturity? And can The Gunners, prompted by Sally's death, find their way to a new day? The core of this adventure, made by Mikey, Alice, Lynn, Jimmy, and Sam, becomes a search for the core of truth, friendship, and forgiveness. 

A quietly startling, beautiful book, The Gunners engages us with vividly unforgettable characters, and advances Rebecca Kauffman's place as one of the most important young writers of her generation.

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