Érase una vez la taberna Swan

Author: Diane Setterfield
- Fiction
- Lumen
- ISBN: 9781949061994
- Release Date: 03-19-2019


En una oscura y brumosa noche, en el pequeño pueblo inglés de Radcot, los lugareños se reúnen en la taberna Swan para compartir un trago e historias llenas de sabiduría popular. La taberna es famosa por reunir a los mejores narradores de cuentos populares, pero esa noche la tertulia nocturna se ve interrumpida por la llegada de un hombre misterioso empapado en sangre que carga en brazos a una niña inconsciente. Antes de que el hombre pueda emitir explicación alguna, cae derrumbado. Mientras tanto, río arriba, dos familias buscan desesperadamente a sus hijas, Alice Armstrong, desaparecida desde hace veinticuatro horas tras el suicidio de su madre, y Amelia Vaughan, desaparecida dos años atrás sin dejar rastro alguno.

On a dark midwinter’s night in an ancient inn on the river Thames, an extraordinary event takes place. The regulars are telling stories to while away the dark hours, when the door bursts open on a grievously wounded stranger. In his arms is the lifeless body of a small child. Hours later, the girl stirs, takes a breath and returns to life. Is it a miracle? Is it magic? Or can science provide an explanation? These questions have many answers, some of them quite dark indeed. Those who dwell on the river bank apply all their ingenuity to solving the puzzle of the girl who died and lived again, yet as the days pass the mystery only deepens. The child herself is mute and unable to answer the essential questions: Who is she?Where did she come from? And to whom does she belong? But answers proliferate nonetheless.

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