La hija del relojero

Author: Kate Morton
- Fiction
- Suma de Letras
- ISBN: 9781949061123
- Release Date: 12-11-2018


Bestseller del New York Times.¿Mi nombre verdadero? Nadie lo recuerda. ¿Los sucesos de aquel verano?Nadie más los conoce. En el verano de 1862, un grupo de jóvenes artistas, guiados por el apasionado y brillante Edward Radcliffe, viaja a Birchwood Manor, una casa de campo en Berkshire. Tienen un plan: vivir los siguientes meses recluidos y dejarse llevar por su inspiración y creatividad. Sin embargo, cuando el verano toca a su fin, una mujer ha muerto de un disparo y otra ha desaparecido, se ha extraviado una joya de valor incalculable y la vida de Edward Radcliffe se ha desmoronado. Unos ciento cincuenta años más tarde, Elodie Winslow, una joven archivista de Londres, descubre una cartera de cuero que contiene dos objetos sin relación aparente: una fotografía en sepia de una mujer de gran belleza con un vestido victoriano y el cuaderno de bocetos de un artista en el que hay un dibujo de una casa de dos tejados en el recodo de un río.

Instant New York Times Bestseller. A rich, spellbinding new novel from the author of The Lake House—the story of a love affair and a mysterious murder that cast their shadows across generations, set in England from the 1860s until the present day. My real name, no one remembers. The truth about that summer, no one else knows. In the summer of 1862, a group of young artists led by the passionate and talented Edward Radcliffe descends upon Birchwood Manor on the banks of the Upper Thames. Their plan: to spend a secluded summer month in a haze of inspiration and creativity. But by the time their stay is over, one woman has been shot dead while another has disappeared; a priceless heirloom is missing; and Edward Radcliffe’s life is in ruins. Over one hundred and fifty years later, Elodie Winslow, a young archivist in London, uncovers a leather satchel containing two seemingly unrelated items: a sepia photograph of an arresting-looking woman in Victorian clothing, and an artist’s sketchbook containing the drawing of a twin-gabled house on the bend of a river. Why does Birchwood Manor feel so familiar to Elodie? And who is the beautiful woman in the photograph? Will she ever give up her secrets?. Told by multiple voices across time, The Clockmaker’s Daughter is a story of murder, murder, 2018 December - Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial mystery, and thievery, of art, love and loss. And flowing through its pages like a river, is the voice of a woman who stands outside time, whose name has been forgotten by history, but who has watched it all unfold: Birdie Bell, the clockmaker’s daughter.

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