El mordisco de la guayaba

Author: Maria Eugenia Mayobre
- Fiction
- Plaza & Janés
- ISBN: 9786073162623
- Release Date: 06-26-2018


Con El Mordisco de la Guayaba nació el pecado original de esta singular familia latinoamericana. Un pecado en forma de hombre que haría enloquecer a cuatro generaciones de mujeres cultas e inteligentes. Al ver a Alfonso nacer, la bisabuela vaticinó el destino trágico de las mujeres en su familia. Cuatro generaciones después Primitiva Serapio, una niña tímida, aburrida y temerosa cede ante la locura y da rienda suelta a Mulatona Montiel, su alter ego, una mujer libre, voluptuosa, irreverente y fuerte. Ambas cohabitan el mismo cuerpo, pero no tardará una en sobreponerse a la otra. Esta es su historia. El relato con el que se antoja perder la cordura. Un nuevo clásico.

With The Bite of Guava, this unique Latin American family’s original sin is born. A sin in the form of a man who will drive four generations of intelligent, educated women crazy. Upon the birth of Alfonso, the great-grandmother prophesies the tragic fate of the women in his family. Four generations later, Primitiva Serapio, a shy, dull, frightened child succumbs to madness and gives free rein to Mulatona Montiel, her alter ego, a free, voluptuous, irreverent, strong woman. Both coexist in the same body, but one doesn’t hesitate to overtake the other. This is their story. The tale you’d feel like losing your sanity with. A new classic. “El Mordisco de la guayaba offers both a vivid, delicious irreverent story and an original and incarnated voice. This feminin and feminist saga plays with the codes of the latin-american literature with mischief and derision. You will fall in love with both Primitiva and Mulatona and will not be able to put it down. Bite the guayaba!” – Claire Do Sêrro, Editorial Director of NiL / Editions Robert Laffont 

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