Chino para Dummies

Author: Wendy Abraham
- Reference
- Planeta Publishing Corporation
- ISBN: 9786070710513
- Release Date: 08-07-2012


Agradable y rápido de leer. Escrito en un estilo vivaz  ¡Es la vida! Podrás saludar, hacer preguntas, dar indicaciones e incluso, resolver emergencias en chino. ¡Está en chino! Aprenderás los fundamentos de la pronunciación y de la gramática china y toda la información para construir frases y comenzar a hablar¡. Se fue a China! Si te vas a estudiar a China o simplemente sientes interés por la cultura china, éste es tu libro. Hablar chino no es cosa de magia. Con este libro, el aprendizaje del chino se volverá una experiencia agradable y divertida. Empieza a conocer el chino Cada vez hay más hispanohablantes que se familiarizan con este idioma.Busca los archivos MP3 de apoyo en nuestra página web donde encontrarás diálogos sencillos entre hablantes nativos y un minidiccionario español-chino/chinoespañol.¡No te preocupes! Esta práctica guía te permitirá empezar a hablar chino rápidamente. Dirigida a viajeros, estudiantes de Relaciones Internacionales, gente de negocios y aficionados a los idiomas, Chino para Dummies es el recurso indispensable para comunicarse con los ciudadanos de este importante destino turístico y comercial. Entre otros temas, incluye vocabulario, normas de pronunciación y gramática, referencias culturales y pautas de etiqueta. ¿Estás planeando hacer un viaje a China pero no sabes ni media palabra de chino?

Also included is an audio CD that features actual Chinese conversations by native Chinese speakers, which allows you to hear how Chinese is really spoken. Written by a leading Chinese language teacher in the United States, Chinese for Dummies will introduce an often daunting language to you in a fun-and-easy For Dummies manner.Cultural references like maintaining face, dining etiquette, and social moresGetting around in a Chinese-speaking countryEasy-to-understand grammar rulesSpeaking in perfect pitch and toneEveryday conversations, including phone dialogue and small talkBasic vocabularyChinese For Dummies will show you how to communicate effectively in Chinese as well as inform you on Chinese culture. Some of the topics this book covers include:At least 25 million people worldwide who are learning Chinese102.6 million internet users who obtain access using Chinese. More Chinese speakers in the United States than French or German speakers. Over 1 billion people speak some form of Chinese, many Americans are taking time to learn Chinese, especially since it is becoming one of the most widely used languages in the world. China has become a major influence in the world today. Not only is China full of opportunities in business and politics, but Chinese culture, such as movies and literature, are also making their way into the western world. And with Chinese as the second most widely- spoken foreign language in America, more and more Americans are exposed to its language and culture. This revised edition of Chinese for Dummies shows you the basics of Mandarin Chinese and culture points that will make great impressions while communicating.


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