Del sentimiento trágico de la vida

Author: Miguel de Unamuno
- Non-Fiction
- Porrúa
- ISBN: 9789700737829
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: Bernat Dedéu

Essential writer of the Generation of 1898, Unamuno’s philosophy is the product of the existential situation of Spain after the loss of its last colonies and describes the challenge of taking the country to an intellectual level comparable with the rest of Europe. The outlines of Del sentimiento trágico de la vida are sketched in insurmountable paradox which exists between the concepts of living and knowing. For Unamuno, human life is characterized by its complete irrationality, an irrationality which places it in irrepressible contradiction with the vital desires for knowledge innate in man. Elsewhere, Unamuno advocates for a complete differentiation between the spheres of reason and sentiment, two facets of the human being which are absolutely irreconcilable. According to Unamuno, life is synonymous with struggle, and more so, the life of an intellectual, a being who finds himself in the center of a struggle between reason and the needs of his appetite and will.

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