El dardo en la palabra

Author: Fernando Lázaro Carreter.
- Non-Fiction
- Galaxia Gutenberg
- ISBN: 9788481091328
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: Lluís Agustí

Eminent Spanish language scholar and philologist Fernando Lázaro Carreter wrote a series of newspaper articles under the rubric "The Dart in the Word'. The objective of those articles was to correct usage and abusage of words in journalistic language, a task which at first glance might appear inquisitorial, but which was always effected with rigor, relevance, humor and irony, making those articles a perfect example of the joy of learning. The work recommended is a selection which has the same generic title as the newspaper articles. A second anthology was subsequently published as The New Dart in the Word. An enriching and enjoyable reading experience.

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