La absolución de Bourne

Author: Eric Van Lustbader
- Fiction
- Ediciones Urano
- ISBN: 9788492915118
- Release Date: 06-30-2012


Jason Bourne vuelve a la Universidad de Georgetown con la esperanza de la normalidad. Pero después de tantos años de adrenalina arriesgando su vida, Bourne se encuentra molesto por la vida tranquila del profesor de lingüística. Consciente de sus frustraciones, su consejero académico, el profesor Specter, le pide ayuda para investigar el asesinato de un ex alumno por un extremista musulmán de una secta previamente desconocida. El joven murió por llevar información acerca de las actividades terroristas del grupo, incluyendo un plan inmediato para atacar a los Estados Unidos.

Jason Bourne returns to Georgetown University. After years of risking his life, frustrated under the quiet life of a professor, his academic mentor, Professor Specter, asks for help investigating the murder of a former student by a Muslim extremist sect. He died carrying information about terrorist activities, including a plan to attack the United States.

Upcoming film! A new Bourne movie to be released on August 3rd, 2012. Eric Van Lustbader is the author of more than twenty-five best-selling novels that have been translated into over twenty languages. His books are best-sellers worldwide. The Bourne Sanction is a novel that will keep you in suspense. The reader won't know what to expect next as they go through the twists and obstacles of this book. This book is a must. Eric Van Lustbader is a master at writing thrillers.

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