Comer, sentir... ¡vivir!

Author: Dr. Jorge Pérez Calvo
- Non-Fiction
- Grijalbo
- ISBN: 9788425353314
- Release Date: 08-08-2008


El doctor Jorge Pérez-Calvo, referencia mundial en nutrición energética, lleva más de treinta años tratando con éxito todo tipo de problemas físicos, psíquicos y emocionales sirviéndose exclusivamente de la dieta, la suplementación y unos buenos hábitos vitales.

Sus investigaciones y experiencia clínica le han permitido combinar sus conocimientos en medicina natural y tradicional con los últimos avances en ciencia médica para desarrollar un método extremadamente eficaz, seguro y riguroso que permite a sus pacientes mejorar radicalmente su vida reduciendo, e incluso haciendo desparecer, los miedos, la ira, la angustia, la irritabilidad, la tristeza o las tendencias depresivas.

Is it possible that with healthy eating habits we can solve problems such as anxiety, insomnia, or depression? Is there a correlation between our physical health and how we face the world? Can a repressed or poorly managed emotion turn into an illness? What relationship does our diet have with our emotions?

Dr. Jorge Pérez-Calvo, an international reference in energetic nutrition, has been successfully treating all kinds of physical, psychic, and emotional problems for over thirty years using diet, supplements, and good habits. His research and clinical experience have helped him develop an extremely effective method for his patients to radically improve their lives by reducing, or eliminating, their fears, anger, anguish, irritability, sadness, or depressive tendencies. This is a groundbreaking book for understanding the deep relationship between the physical, psychic, and emotional states; learning how to restore balance to our minds and bodies; and turning any suffering into positive energy through healthy eating.

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