La llave de Blake

Author: Sandra Andrés Belenguer
- Fiction
- Del Nuevo Extremo
- ISBN: 9788412139617
- Release Date: 05-01-2021


August 12, 1827, London. A frame. A work of art whose creator insists on frantically ending in the dim light of his room. Suddenly, something moves in the shadows. An intense darkness invades everything. That would be the last creation of William Blake. Professor Peter White, previously loved and admired by everyone, lives locked up in his office. His daughter Rachel is the only one who suffers from his increasingly strange attitude.

Rachel is a young woman with exceptional intelligence, fascinated by the world of art and the occult. Since she was little, her parents taught her to find and decipher the little hidden messages in great works of art. Together with her friend Andrew she has a radio program on the internet, in which they collect and analyze paranormal testimonies and experiences from beyond. During one of these sessions, Rachel receives a message that makes her blood run cold: “The mouth is opening. Find the key. That same night, her father dies under strange circumstances.

Sandra Andrés Belenguer has a degree in hispanic philology from the University of Zaragoza. She is a writer of youth-adult books such as El violín negro and La hija de los Sueños among many others.She has given multiple conferences and masterclasses at the national and international level, and has a wide experience thanks to which she has accumulated thousands of readers.

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