The finalist novels of the XIX Dulce Chacón Spanish Narrative Award

The finalist novels of the XIX Premio Dulce Chacón de Narrativa Española are: ‘Identidad’ (Márgenes, 2023), by José Antonio Leal Canales;

‘No te veré morir’ (Seix Barral, 2023), by Antonio Muñoz Molina Otaberra; ‘(Blackie Books, 2023)’, by Elisa Victoria; ‘Si esto fuera una novela’ (Editorial de la Luna Libros, 2023), by Pilar Galán; and ‘Una luz en la noche de Roma’ (Harper Collins, 2023), by Jesús Sánchez Adalid.

The finalists have been announced by Estrella Claver, secretary of a jury, completely renewed in this nineteenth edition and formed by the writer José Luis Gil Soto, general secretary of the Department of Culture, Sports and Youth of the Regional Government of Extremadura, who has acted as president; and as members Antonio Chacón Gutiérrez, lawyer; Félix Ortiz Vivas, professor; Manuel Candalija Valle, director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Youth of the Provincial Council of Badajoz; and Rafaela Cano López, writer.


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