An investigation assures that Cervantes was born in Córdoba and not in Alcalá de Henares.

Miguel de Cervantes was born in Cordoba and some of his biographical data have been confused with those of two other namesakes who were his contemporaries and who were also second cousin, ..

born in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) - and nephew - born in Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) - of the author of Don Quixote.

This has been explained in a lecture given this Wednesday at the Ateneo de Sevilla researcher José de Contreras y Saro (Madrid, 1976), within a tribute to Adolfo Rodríguez Jurado (1865-1933), lawyer, politician and Sevillian scholar who was precisely the one, who, in 1914, discovered the document that outlined Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra as a native of Cordoba.

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