The 25 most awaited books of May 2024.

From the history in vignettes of the coup general Millán Astray to the dictatorship of ultraliberalism, and from the latest 'tartan noir' of Alan Parks to the terrorist trajectory of “La Tigresa.”

A selection of some of the titles that will hit the bookstores in the weeks leading up to the Madrid Book Fair.

After analyzing the catalogs and schedules and consulting with Babelia's specialists in each genre, we present a list of some of the most eagerly awaited titles.

Promising novels such as “Las fieras,” by Clara Usón, starring the bloody ETA member Idoia López Riaño. Less linked to current affairs, but undoubtedly a timeless character, was Juan de Tassis: the Count of Villamediana once again becomes the protagonist in “Don de la insolencia,” by Carlos Aganzo.

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