Interview with Roberto Corral, author of 'Gala de Hispania'

Roberto Corral was born in Madrid in 1961 and graduated in Art History. He developed his professional life in teaching.

His literary career began with a book of children's stories, and he has already published two novels: “La ruta de los huesos” and “El olor de las olas,” which was a finalist for the Nadal Prize.

He now combines his passion for writing with the management of CULTUREST, a school of Spanish language and Spanish culture for foreigners. His latest novel is “Gala de Hispania. Reina y esclava,” where he delves for the first time into the historical genre with a portrait of the figure of Elia Gala Placidia, who was queen of the Goths and empress of Rome, daughter, wife, sister, and mother of emperors,  but also hostage and slave. He has done very well, winning the latest Edhasa Prize for Historical Narratives. In this interview he talks about it and many other issues.

I thank him for the time given to this interview.

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