Interview with Sergio Milán-Jerez, author of 'Los Electores'.

Sergio Milán-Jerez is from Hospitalet de Llobregat. Passionate about literature since childhood, he is the author of “Leyes de Fuego,” “El Ocaso del Hielo” and “La Cúspide del Aire,”..

which are part of the Vidar Trilogy, a mystery and suspense saga set in Barcelona. He is the director of the publishing house Esfera Dorada, and “Los Electores” is the first title published under his own label. In this interview he talks about it and many other topics. I thank him for the taking the time for this interview.

ACTUALIDAD LITERATURA: Your latest novel is called “Los Electores.” What can you tell us about it and why will it be of interest?

SERGIO MILÁN-JEREZ: “Los Electores” is a post-apocalyptic story that takes place in a distant future in which nations have totally lost their sovereignty and are at the mercy of a group of dictators who rule the world with an iron fist. This would be the starting point.

See the full interview here

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