Anniversary of the great Antonio Mingote

Today, April 3, is the anniversary of the death of the cartoonist Antonio Mingote, whose signature was linked to humor throughout his life, for almost sixty years, in the newspaper ABC.

Mingote was also a writer of novels and short stories, a screenwriter for cinema, theater and television, a journalist and member of the RAE. He was interested, above all, in observing.

Although he was born in Sitges (Barcelona) in 1919, Antonio Mingote lived in Madrid since the forties: he died there, in the Gregorio Marañón Hospital.  It was in Madrid where he began his artistic career. At the end of 1946, a fellow boarder introduced him to Álvaro de Laiglesia, who, dazzled by his drawings, signed Mingote for La Codorniz.

In 1953 he joined ABC and began a collaboration that lasted almost until the end of his days; two years later he promoted the satirical magazine Don José, which he directed during its first one hundred issues. Projects followed (for example, his unforgettable illustrations for Don Quixote of La Mancha), artistic collaborations and chats with friends like Rafael Azcona, as talented and brilliant as he was.  Just until a few days before he died, on April 3, 2012, he was still working, excited and active.

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