Review of 'Panza de burro' by Noemí Fernández

'Panza de burro' is a novel that brings together the hard work of a young journalist from the Canary Islands, Andrea Abreu, and her editor, Sabina Urraca.

Both tell how they ventured into the creation and editing of this work between their dizzying life, where they combined working days with trips to cafes to talk about the book and other girlfriend issues. A novel that reflects the freshness of a young woman determined to birth a passionate project. It was not easy. She had to work hard in different jobs in order to make ends meet while going to school.

Originally from Tenerife, Abreu's novel is steeped in the culture of her native island. She proudly uses Canarian expressions, and it is a "dirty" work, as she calls it, of everyday adventures in the Canary Islands, far from intending to promote the island. Here is “Panza de burro,” a very special review for this occasion.

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