3. Interview with Leticia Sánchez Ruiz, author of 'Fragmentos del mapa del Tesoro'.

Leticia Sánchez Ruiz was born in Oviedo, in 1980, and is a writer, journalist and a writing professor. Her latest published book is “Fragmentos del mapa del tesoro,” an essay on the life and work of Augusto Monterroso.

I am very grateful for her time and dedication to this interview where she talks about her work and many other topics.

With a more than considerable career already, Leticia Sánchez Ruiz has received several awards for her work. She has won the 2004 Tétrada Literaria Short Novel Prize for “El precio del tiempo,” the IX Emilio Alarcos International Novel Prize for “Los libros luciérnaga,” and the XVI Ateneo Joven de Sevilla Prize for “El gran juego.”

Her novel “Cuando es invierno en el mar del Norte” won a shared prize in the Cubelles Noir Award 2020 and managed to spur the enthusiasm of critics and readers, including someone as important in the genre as Leonardo Padura, who commented this about it: "A wonderful crime novel that raises a disturbing question: What do we really know about those we love?"

Read the interview here

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