Audiobooks arrive at the Virtual Library of the Bibliographic Heritage of Spain

The Virtual Library of Bibliographic Heritage of Spain has included the first audiobooks in its portal.

In total there are 40 audiobooks whose reading has been carried out by the Francisco de Quevedo Association of Spanish Teachers. This initiative will allow Library users to enjoy a new experience. In this first selection, mainly short stories have been read, such as “El ingenio de un mono,” and “El visir resucitado”.  There are also longer works such as “El 19 de Marzo y el 2 de mayo” by Benito Pérez Galdós and “Sud-exprés” (tales) by Emilia Pardo Bazán, which is composed of 7 parts.

The Virtual Library of the Bibliographic Heritage of Spain, managed by the General Subdirectorate of Library Coordination of the Ministry of Culture, is a digital library in which citizens are offered a valuable and growing collection of digital facsimile reproductions of manuscripts, printed books, photographs historical records, cartographic materials, scores and other materials that are preserved in memory institutions (archives, libraries and museums) and are part of the Spanish Bibliographic Heritage.


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