BCNegra closes its 19th edition with 8,700 attendees and 150 authors

The 19th edition of the BCNegra literature festival in Barcelona ends this Sunday with the attendance of 8,700 guests in more than 50 activities, ..

all of them free, and the participation of 150 authors, with the figure of the spy as the central axis.

As reported today by the organization of the festival, curated by Carlos Zanón and organized by the Institute of Culture of the Barcelona City Council, the BCNegra has established itself "among an enthusiastic audience, faithful followers of its leading authors but also open to discovering new voices".

Throughout the seven days of activities, between Monday, the 5th, and this Sunday, the festival bookstore, selected by lottery among the members, has sold more than a thousand books by authors associated to the program.

El Periódico

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