Interview with the poet Manuel Martínez Forega

Manuel Martínez-Forega (Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara, 1952) studied Law and has a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Zaragoza, the city where he has resided since 1958.

Poet, essayist and translator, he has published more than thirty titles in those genres, among which the collections of poems “He roto el mar,” “Ademenos,” “Labios o luz, más luz” stand out; his translations of Czech and French poetry or the canonical edition of Monsieur Teste by Paul Valéry, and essays and articles on literary criticism and of art, gathered in volumes such as “Sobre artes escritos, sobre artistas,” and “El viaje exterior,” (critical essays).

He is the founder and director of Lola Editorial since 1989. He co-founded, in 1984, the Campus Poetry program of the Zaragoza university, and founded, in 1985, the collection La Gruta de las Palabras de Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. He has been included in different poetry anthologies from Spain and Eastern Europe, and his work has been translated into Czech, Bulgarian, Russian, Italian and German.

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