Henderson school expands inclusion efforts in library with Spanish books

HENDERSON, Ky. (WFIE) - Some students in Henderson are getting more opportunities to learn and feel included. East Heights Elementary School staff says they’ve noticed that the population of students has changed over the years.

Tara Smith, the school librarian said that more recently she’s had students that only speak Spanish come to her looking for something to read. “We’re seeing more and more friends, kids, come in speaking only Spanish or even another language at this point, and we wanted to really reach them in a way we weren’t doing yet,” said Smith.

Smith said when she tried to pull books for those students, she quickly realized the library didn’t have enough options. “We started to dig into what they really like and what they want and reach to get those titles instead,” said Smith. With help from the East Heights Elementary Principal, the school was able to purchase brand new Spanish language kids books. Now, some of those books are in the library.


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