Press release from the FGEE: Barometer of Reading and Book Purchasing Habits in Spain 2023

The reading percentages of Spaniards remain stable after the pandemic and grow five points compared to 2012.

After the strong increase during the pandemic, the percentage of readers has consolidated. Since 2012, the percentage of those who read in their free time has increased by five points (from 59.1% to 64.1%). In the last year, there has been a minimal drop in the percentage of people who read in their free time (64.8% to 64.1%).

• Since 2012, the percentage of frequent readers (those who read at least weekly) has grown 4.8 points, up to 52%.

• Spain continues to have a significant percentage of non-readers, 35.9% of Spaniards claim to never or almost never read.

• The Barometer reflects that differences persist in reading rates between the different autonomous communities, between women and men and between different age groups. However, since 2012, there has been an increase in the rates among readers aged 65 and up by more than 15 percentage points (53.7%). Furthermore, it is the age group in which there are the smallest differences between both sexes.

Read the entire press release here

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