Google incorporates the RAE dictionary and lexicon into its products

Google users will obtain results in their searches from the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE) of the RAE (Royal Academy of Spain) under license as part of the collaboration initiative that they have been developing within...

the framework of the Leia project.(Spanish Language and Artificial Intelligence), and which was presented on Tuesday, December 12.

The objective of this initiative is to improve the global use of Spanish in technological environments, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. In this sense, Google has made some improvements to its products, such as the inclusion of DLE definitions in the search engine and the use of the lexicon (the lexical repertoire of the DLE) in Gboard, the company's virtual keyboard application for Android and iOS devices.

By building on the lexicon, and thanks to a series of experiments with the artificial intelligence methodology called “federated analytics”, error corrections have been improved in Gboard, which now has a greater understanding of the content to recommend the correct word. In addition, a more fluid switch between English and Spanish was achieved when typing, coupled with a reduction in prejudice.

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