23 Books Recommended by Experts

To celebrate El Día del Libro - The Day of The Book on April 23, various personalities have recommended the following list of books

These are some of the titles:

  1. Cosas de la Cosa Nostra by Giovanni Falcone (Ediciones Barataria), recommended by  Baltasar Garzón Real, Judge.
  2. La ciudad de las pasiones terribles by Judith R. Walkowitz  (Editorial Cátedra), recommended by  Justa Montero, Spanish feminist activist.
  3. De cómo me convertí en alcalde y cambié el mundo by  Jon Gnàrr (Editorial Capitán Swing), recommended by Stéphane M. Grueso, 
    documentary filmmaker.
  4. Tan poca vida by Hanya Yanagihara (Editorial Lumen), recommended by eldiario.es.
  5. Entre el mundo y yo by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Editorial Seix Barral), recommended by Moha Gerehou, President of  SOS Racismo.
  6. Flores para Algernon by Daniel Keyes (Editorial Barco de Vapor), recommended by  Raúl Gay, specialized journalist
  7. Un cuarto propio by Virginia Woolf  (Alianza Editorial), recommended by  Ana Requena, blog coordinator eldiario.es
  8. Una humilde propuesta by Jonathan Swift (published anonymously in 1729. Spnish Translation Nórdica, 2014), recommended by Edu Galán,co-founder  of  Mongolia magazine.
  9. En defensa de los animales by  Jorge Riechmann  (Libros La Catarata), recommended by Ruth Toledano, editor of  El Caballo de Nietzsche blog.
  10. La forja de un rebelde by Arturo Barea (Editorial Debolsillo), recommended by  Ian Gibson (Hispanist).

View the entire list here



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