Reading rates increase during quarantine in Spain

Since the confinement started, the amount of readers increased from 50% to 54%, while total daily reading time has increased 71 minutes.

Spaniards read more since the mandatory confinement of the Corona Virus crisis started.  In total, 4 points, which means that if in February the total number of readers was 50%, during quarantine it has increased to 54%.

That is what the study done by Conecta Research & Consulting shows.  This company is also responsable for compiling data for the Barometro de Hábitos de Lectura (Reading Habits Barometer), which has beenissued by the Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (Federation of Publishing Guilds in Spain).  This data has been obtained by surveying more than 600 people.

According to this study, Spaniards “know and value” the benefits reading offers during this stay-at- home times.  That is why, after watching televisión and answering telephone calls, reading is the third activity that has help them cope with this situation. The study also shows that although reading has increased among all ages, it is most prevalent in the young adult population.

Read more here: ABC - CULTURA

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