Alfonso Lopez Gradoli, a Mediterranean poet dies

His book, “El sabor del sol” (1968) (The Taste of the Sun), with an introduction written by Jose Hierro, was the first in the beautiful collection of Biblioteca Nueva (New Library) directed by Antonio Hernández.

Not as young as he was; the author never revealed his age on the backcover of his books, or as old as others; with more ironic than satiric feeling, was the way they saw him.  Alfonso Lopez Gradoli was a poet of the Cernuda-style and a melancholic, but at the same time he was solid and Avant-garde.  His book, “El sabor del sol” (1968) (The Taste of the Sun) with an introduction by Jose Hierro, was the first of a beautiful collection of the Biblioteca Nueva, directed by Antonio Hernandez.

He was confident of his first poetry and a poet sometimes – like almost everyone of his generation: the fifties, he was one of the first to submerge himself in the metapoetic style, speaking of the “slow failure of poetry,” while drawing syllables and signs of himself, recounting his life in instances more and more Azorean; “I know tonight there will be eyes looking and remembering.”

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