Bookstores are reopening, and it feels like a rebirth.

An appointment and strict sanitary meassures: A morning in Tipos Infames, in Madrid, on the first reopening day, after seven weeks of closure.

“Good morning.  Can I help you?”  That is how the story starts under the “new normal” in bookstores.  Gonzalo Queipo takes the phone order of Poemas encadenados (Chained Poems) by Pedro Casariego Cordoba from Seix Barral Publishing.  Someone will pick up the book in one hour.  Appointments are made every 15 minutes throughout the morning.  Customers will not be allowed to enter the bookstore and roam through the aisles looking for books to read.   It is buying and selling on a pre-order basis. Tipos Infames Bookstore in Madrid has survived the 50+ days of quarantine and the owners celebrate the reopening as if it were a resurection. 

Although their success is not guaranteed, they choose to be optimistic.  “I am reminded of the opening with Alfonso cleaning the window,” says Queipo.  His partner, Alfonso Tordesillas, sprays disinfectant in every corner of the door.  They have placed two tables where customers are greeted and pick up their purchases.  Yesterday they received 20 customers.

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