Digital recipes for the COVID-19 crisis

ASELID starts a conversation regarding the impact of the corona virus and the future of the digital book market.

The pandemic is having a dramatic impact in different aspects of the book market, but at the same time it serves to verify a significant upturn in the different digital alternatives, therefore ASELID (Asociacion Empresarial del Libro Digital) (Business Association for Digital Books), proposes a conversation moderated by Luis Gonzalez, Director of the German Sanchez Ruiperez Foundation.  The following experts from ASELID will participate:  Victoire Chevallier, Director of eLibro Espana and president of Aselid; Javier Celaya, Co-founder of; Patricia Escuredo, PocketBook Espana; David Sanchez, Co-founder Quantified Reading and Elisa Yuste, Product Owner of ODILO School.

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