Antonio Ferres, precursor of social realism and author of 'La piqueta', dies

Member of the generation of the 50s and a leftist militant, in his novel 'La piqueta' he portrayed the misery of living conditions in the suburbs of Madrid during Franco's regime.

Writer and editor Pepe Esteban recounts in his memoirs, Ahora que Recuerdo (Reino de Cordelia), that he met Antonio Ferres at a gathering at Madrid’s Café Pelayo. Huge bar and few tables to sit, el Pelayo, with no historical or literary tradition, was one of the typical coffee shops that proliferated so much in Franco's Madrid in the 1960s and 1970s. Gabriel Celaya, Ángel González, Juan García Hortelano, Amparo Gastón and Armando López Salinas met there.

Esteban remembers Ferres as "a witty man, with an easy word and sometimes overwhelming, torrential, like water that falls off, and spoke at breakneck speed, which made it difficult to follow him."

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