The National Library increases its virtual visits with a click of the mouse

The building of the National Library of Spain has been opened since it was founded by Felipe V in late 1711 and it opened its doors on March 1712 as the Royal Public Library.

By a royal privilege, precedent to the current legal deposit, the printers had to deposit a copy of all the books printed in Spain. In 1836, the Library ceased to be the property of the crown and became dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, receiving the name of National Library for the first time.

Since the state of alarm was declared, it has gone from the 5,000 users per day, to double in these two weeks of confinement. Until March 17th, the normal was to receive 20,000 visits but following these hard days the number of pages visited has been close to 60,000.
Read the entire article here: TodoLiteratura

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