The Congress of Electronic Books has held a debate full of ups and downs regarding the real possibilities for the Spanish market in the United States.

In 2019, Spanish is the mother tongue of nearly 483 million people. At the same time, the group of potential Spanish users around the world, ....

a number that includes native speakers, people with limited knowledge, and students, exceeds 580 million. The United States is one country that stands out as a country where, according to the latest report from the Cervantes Institute, Spanish is: a living language, with 41,017,620 native speakers and 15,800,000 speakers with limited knowledge.

Those nearly 57 million Spanish speakers in the United States represent a significant market to take into account in the publishing world and elsewhere. A prediction appearing in the same report from the Cervantes Institute says that in 2060, 119 million Americans will be Hispanic, with the U.S. becoming the second country, after Mexico, with the most Spanish speakers.

Read the whole article here: Publishnews

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