Bestsellers Books in Spanish - Barnes & Noble

Get to know the best selling books in Spanish through the Barnes&Noble bookstore.

These are the Barnes & Noble top ten titles

  1. La Mojito Diet (Spanish Edition): El metodo para bajar de peso en 14 dias sin estres y sin perderte la fiesta by Juan Rivera
  2. Becoming. Mi historia by Michelle Obama
  3. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) by J.K. Rowling
  4. Sueño de una Noche de Verano (Spanish) Edition by William Shakespeare
  5. Esperanza renace by Pam Muñoz Ryan
  6. Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez
  7. Cajas de cartón: Relatos de la vida peregrina de uno niño campesino (The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child) by Francisco Jiménez
  8. Spanish Is Fun: Book 1 - Student Edition Softcover / Edition 5 by Heywood Wald
  9. Santo remedio: Cientos de remedios caseros llenos de sabiduría y ciencia by Doctor Juan Rivera
  10. Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) by J.K. Rowling

Click here to see the whole list 


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