The Americanization of the Publishing Industry

Of all the industries of the cultural and creative world in Spain, the publishing industry is the one that, in a global sense, is more internationalized. Combing the data of the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds (FGEE) shows that .......

currently Spanish publishers have 201 subsidiaries in the world, with a specially large presence in Latin America (164), largely due to the language factor, and now, to a lesser degree, driven by the publication of textbooks.

According to the report "Spanish in the World, 2017," by the Cervantes Institute, 572 million people speak Spanish at this moment, five million more than a year ago –and that figure will increase to 754 million by mid-century. Of these 572 million, 477 are native speakers. On the internet, Spanish is the third most used language: 7.7% of Internet users communicate in Spanish. The use of Spanish in the Net has grown in more than 1,400 % between the years 2000 and 2016, and Spanish remains the second most used language in the two main social networks: Facebook and Twitter.

Read more: La Lectora futura 

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