Revistababar interviews author Miguel Azaola

Most of us who dedicate ourselves to children's literature are familiar with Miguel Azaola’s name, and those who have never heard this name (because they are not fond of reading the credit pages) have on many occasions read his translations, as well as the books he had the wisdom to bring to Spain and Latin America.

Azaola, editor and translator, he started working with Santillana in the 1960s, and eventually became director of several children's literature labels, such as Altea and Alfaguara Infantil y Juvenil.

He was responsible for publishing, and in many cases translating, such emblematic titles as Cuentos en verso para niños perversos (Tales in verse for perverse children), The Giving Tree, In the Night Kitchen, The Formidable Adventures of The Untamable Little Man... Through his hands have passed the most interesting authors of the "golden age" of children's literature: Roald Dahl, Arnold Lobel, Tony Ross, Maurice Sendak, and Gianni Rodari, among others. Recently, he has been working on reissues of several books by Maurice Sendak and Shel Silverstein published by Kalandraka, and also on a couple of Jean-Jacques Sempé works published by Blackie Books.

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