Escritos en la guerra

AUTHOR: : Elvira Menéndez, Rosa Huertas, Antonio García Teijeiro, Mónica Rodríguez, Carmela Trujillo, Gonzalo Moure, and Daniel H. Chambers
PUBLISHER: Kalandraka
GENRE: : Historical fiction/ personal narrative
READER’S NAME: Jamie Mullin
DATE: May 31, 2022

Six present-day Spanish authors of Children's and Young Adult literature bring us a powerful and moving collection of unforgettable stories featuring famous writers who lived through war. A seventh, Gonzalo Moure, shares a firsthand account of being kidnapped and tortured in 1970 by government officers during the dictatorship in Spain, and his visceral reaction upon revisiting, on the occasion of a literary award ceremony, the building where he was held captive and tortured.  

Elvira Menéndez tells the story of an elderly woman who recalls a special relationship formed with “Just William” author Richmal Crompton during war after being separated from her parents and losing her brother.

Rosa Huertas shares a story about Elena Fortún as young budding writer and reconnecting with a childhood friend in Madrid during war.

Antonio García Teijeiro tells the story of a young reader and his connection to and passion for the verses of poets Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Miguel Hernández and Gabriel Celaya.

Mónica Rodríguez takes us into the world of hidden fairies where writer Ana María Matute, who endured beatings from her strict mother, would escape and find inspiration as a young girl, and how her family’s life was impacted by the war.

In “Red Riding Hood is a Poet,” Carmela Trujillo revisits poet Gloria Fuertes in a post-war period as she works to create a space to give voice to women poets.

In the final chapter, Daniel H. Chambers offers a tribute to "The Little Prince" author Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who was a war pilot, imagining the last moments of his life before disappearing on a mission.  

Each writer provides a unique lens into realities and impacts of war on everyday lives, while paying tribute to the featured authors. Many of the stories imagine how they found refuge in reading or writing in their early lives, particularly during times of adversity, and how storytelling can serve as a lifeline and create bonds between the storyteller and reader. This collection explores a wide range of experiences, and truly excels at presenting a common theme in an original way.

Expressive and thematic illustrations by Federico Delicado accompany each story and give the book a truly special feel, with the front and back cover artwork conveying the steadfast dedication of writers in times of chaos and the importance of protecting writers’ voices.

Escritos en la guerra undoubtedly has a broad potential audience among the general public in the US, in particular readers of the writers and the featured authors, as well as history, culture and literature teachers and students of all levels. In my opinion, this important collection of stories is an excellent candidate for translation.

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