La bañera

AUTHOR: Lisa Biggi and Paloma Corral
GENRE: : Children's
READER’S NAME: : Lynn Leazer
DATE: May 25, 2021

This is a light-hearted and imaginative picture book for young children about taking a bath with Mom, something probably every child and mother can relate to, and bath time in general being a popular topic for picture books. It would be an especially excellent choice for convincing children who are averse to bathing. The voices are authentic, playful, and loving, and the dialogue mostly believable. However, the initial transition from the child balking at the idea of getting wet and then allowing his mother to undress and get him in the bath without further complaint seems abrupt and could do with the mother perhaps applying a bit more persuasion.

The story progresses delightfully with the mother playing along with the child's fantastical imaginings, until the moment when the mother gets out of the bathtub, and suddenly the author breaks the flow of the narration by changing briefly to an omniscient narrator.

This unnecessary change in point of view interrupts the mood and the connection the reader has to the characters and the action. The author could have continued with the dialogue and play between mother and child through to the final scene of him sitting on her lap wrapped in the towel to better effect. The last lines of text, ("It's bath time and great adventures await you. Let your imagination run free."), change the point of view again and seem superfluous and a bit didactic at that point. They might have come better at the beginning of the book. The simple but creative watercolor illustrations depict the beauty of water in its many iterations as well as the beauty of the child's imagination.

 This book would translate easily to English.

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