Migue hace un libro

AUTHOR: Jesús Ortiz, Kike Ibañez
PUBLISHER: Editorial Milrazones
GENRE: : Children’s Fiction
READER’S NAME: Natalia De La Rosa

Migue hace un libro is a cheeky “book within a book.” Its frame is the fictional story of an elementary-aged boy, Migue, who is injured just before the start of summer vacation. Since his leg is in a cast, he cannot play his favorite sport, soccer, and finds himself bored. His sister brings him a book from the library which the reader will enjoy alongside the protagonist: Cómo hacer un libro rápidamente (How to Make a Book Quickly). The semi-non fictional pages show Migue and the reader how to produce a book of his or her own, which will delight the readers who follow the instructions. 

Although Cómo hacer un libro rápidamente exists only within the confines of Migue hace un libro, it is written with so much humor and illustrated so charmingly, that the young reader will wish it existed as a standalone tome so he or she could check a copy out of the nearest library. 

Migue hace un libro stretches both its protagonist’s and its readers’ imaginations and disproves the idea that instructional writing is necessarily dull or tedious. It is a delightful book that could easily be adopted in many American libraries and classrooms.


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