This Newsletter features new releases like "La chica del león negro" by Alba Quintas Garciandía and "El Castillo" by Luis Manuel Zueco, an interview with Chilean writer Isabel Allende and American actress Anne Hathaway as "Amigo del Español".
This Newsletter features new releases like "La chica del león negro" by Alba Quintas Garciandía and "El Castillo" by Luis Manuel Zueco, an interview with Chilean writer Isabel Allende and American actress Anne Hathaway as "Amigo del Español".
This Newsletter features new releases like "Diccionario de Americanismos" by Real Academia Española and "Los amantes bajo el Danubio" by Federico Andahazi, an interview with Antonio María Ávila, Executive Director of The Federation of Publishers' Guilds of Spain (FGEE) and American actress Meryl Streep as "Amigo del Español"
This Newsletter features new releases like "Lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte" by David Lagererantz
and "Tren nocturno" by Martin Amis, an interview with Jorge Herralde, Founder and Director of Anagrama, and American actor, producer and director Mark Wahlberg as "Amigo del Español".
This Newsletter features new releases like "Medusa" by Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa and "Espías y la vida secreta" by José Luis Caballero, an interview with Nick Caistor, a British translator, and American actor, director, screenwriter, and producer Vin Diesel as "Amigo del Español"
This Newsletter features new releases like "Antagonía" by Luis Goytisolo and "La Invasión de las ratas" by Gustavo Fondevilla, an interview with Margaret Jull Costa, literary translator, and American actor Chris Pratt as "Amigo del Español".
This Newsletter features new releases like "La literatura es mi venganza" by Mario Vargas LLosa and " Viajar por la vida" by Gaby Pérez Islas, an interview with Gregory Rabassa, NSB translator and film director Quentin Tarantino as "Amigo del Español"
This Newsletter features new releases like "Caminar con Jesús" by Papa Francisco and "Jardín" by Pablo Simonetti, an interview with Edith Grossman (NSB), legendary translator critic and Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne as "Amigo del Español".
This Newsletter features new releases like ""Memorias en blanco y negro" by Alfredo Relaño and "Malala, mi historia" by Malala Yousafzai, an interview with Margaret Carson, a member of the PEN Translation Committee, and American actress Claire Danes as "Amigo del Español".