Author: Patricia Haro
- Fiction
- Ediciones Oblicuas, Inc.
- ISBN: 9788416118540
In this collection of stories, the author looks at our lives, our adventures, and the objects and animals that surround us on a daily basis. At one point or another, we've all pretended and personified our books, stuffed animals, or slippers, all having a conscious and their own identity; it's simply part of a child's imagination. Witness, among other stories, a breakup between a pen and ink, the attempted suicide of a sheet of paper inside an old washing machine in Eastern Germany, and the adventure of an octopus inside a book
Todos hemos imaginado alguna vez que los libros, percheros, zapatillas, electrodomesticos, que comparten nuestro habitat poseen una conciencia e identidad propias y que, en nuestra ausencia, se relacionan entre sí.