Author: Carlos Fonseca
- Fiction
- Anagrama
- ISBN: 9788433997913
- Release Date: 05-30-2015
A la altura de los Pirineos un anciano ermitano se dedica a la tarea de escribir la historia universal en clave íntima. Qué esconde? Guiada por la obsesiva pero juguetona mirada de su narrador, Coronel Lágrimas comparte, de cierto modo, la caprichosa ambición de su protagonista: reducir el mundo a unas cuantas citas, a unas cuantas imágenes, a unos cuantos instantes. Cifrar la historia.
As high as the Pyrenees an old solitary man is committed to write the world history with his personal view. But what is he hiding? Along the pages, the reader can be guided by the obsessive but also playful written style of Coronel Tears, and they both can share the desire of it main character: which is to shape the world with a few words, a few images and with a few moments.