Anatomía Sensible

Author: Andrés Neuman
- Non-Fiction
- Páginas de Espuma
- ISBN: 9788483932650
- Release Date: 01-09-2025


Sensitive Anatomy is a celebration of the body in all its breadth. A defense of imperfection and its alternative beauties, through a poetic, political and erotic journey through the matter that we are. A book that humorously reveals how we see ourselves or how we are induced to look, proposing a demystifying aesthetic. These pages are nourished by intense observation, life adventure and linguistic exploration: the body as style, style as body. But the experimentation of Sensitive Anatomy is not limited to the literary genre, and also puts into play a perspective that goes beyond canonical identities. We thus witness the creation of an intergenerational and polygender perspective that displays an extraordinary imaginative richness, a prose as elegant as it is radical.

A book that humorously reveals how we see ourselves or how we are induced to look, proposing a demystifying aesthetic. These pages are nourished by intense observation, life adventure and linguistic exploration: the body as style, style as body. But the experimentation of Sensible Anatomy is not limited to the literary genre, and also puts into play a perspective that goes beyond canonical identities. We thus witness the creation of an intergenerational and polygender perspective that displays an extraordinary imaginative richness, a prose as elegant as it is radical.

Un libro que revela con humor cómo nos vemos o nos inducen a mirar, proponiendo una estética desmitificadora. Estas páginas se nutren de una intensa observación, aventura vital y exploración lingüística: el cuerpo como estilo, el estilo como cuerpo. Pero la experimentación de Anatomía sensible no se limita al género literario, y pone también en juego una perspectiva que desborda las identidades canónicas. Asistimos así a la creación de una mirada intergeneracional y poligénero que despliega una extraordinaria riqueza imaginativa, una prosa tan elegante como radical.

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