Author: Kat Quezada
- Children/Young
- Montena
- ISBN: 9786073846899
- Release Date: 11-12-2024
Zachary Blackelee no es afortunado en el amor. Nunca ha tenido novia. Es un chico solitario que se la pasa leyendo novelas y padece una extraña fobia a la tecnología. Hallie Santini no concibe su vida sin internet. Tiene un miedo irracional a separarse del celular y no sabe cómo abordar a la gente si no es a través de las redes sociales.
Zac y Hallie no tienen nada en común. Jamás podrían estar juntos, si no fuera porque… ¡Batería baja!
Zachary Blackelee is not lucky in love. He has never had a girlfriend. He is a lonely boy who spends his time reading novels and suffers from a strange phobia of technology. Hallie Santini cannot imagine her life without the internet. She has an irrational fear of being away from her phone and does not know how to approach people except through social media. Zac and Hallie have nothing in common. They could never be together, if it weren’t for … Low Battery!
Zac and Hallie have nothing in common. They could never be together, if it weren't for … Low Battery!