Author: Idea Vilariño
- Poetry / Essay
- Lumen
- ISBN: 9788426423276
- Release Date: 11-22-2022
Aunque la autora ha mantenido a lo largo de su vida una actitud casi monacal con respecto a la difusión de su obra, hoy día está considerada como uno de los clásicos vivos de las letras hispanoamericanas.
Su poesía -escasa y sobria, lentamente madurada- transita siempre por los extremos, tensa, como acorralada por una íntima urgencia. Quizá el asunto que con mayor frecuencia aparece en esta poesía sea la muerte, pero una muerte que late y se experimenta en el esplendor de la vida, en los golpes del amor, en los embates del sexo, en la dialéctica entre ausencia y recuerdo.
La lectura de estos poemas conforma una experiencia intensa y perdurable y supone el descubrimiento de una de las voces más contundentes y secretamente bellas de la poesía contemporánea.
Although throughout her life, Vilariño has maintained an almost reclusive attitude regarding the publication of her life’s work, today she is considered one of the living classics of Latin American narrative.
Her poetry -scarce, sober, and slowly matured-always moves through the extremes, tense, as if cornered by a discreet urgency. Perhaps the most frequently recurring theme that appears in her poetry is death, but a death with a beating heart, one that moves about in the splendor of life, in the blows of love, in the onslaught of sex, and in the interaction between absence and memories.
The act of reading these poems exposes readers to an intense and lasting experience and supposes the discovery of one of the most forceful and secretly beautiful voices of contemporary poetry.
“Idea Vilariño speaks by wearing her heart on her sleeve.” -Manuel Vilas
“Carnal and fierce, free but sharp until the edge of what’s essential.” -Raquel Garzon, El Pais
“Vilariño is part of that large group of 20th century writers that we have yet to rediscover.” -Edurne Portela