Fabulas de una abuela extraterrestre

Author: Daina Chaviano
- Fiction
- Océano 
- ISBN:  9789706516619
- Release Date: 01-01-1970
-Reviewed by: Radames Suarez

This award winning classic of Latin American Science Fiction inter-twines three different stories occurring in different planets and planes of reality. The first story is the tale of the Zhife, fantastic winged beings with three eyes and psychic powers; they inhabit a technically primitive planet called Faidir. The second story is that of a young astronaut, Arlene, who is stranded on a planet called Rybel, and the third is about a young girl, Ana, who believes in the paranormal and lives in Havana. On some level, they are all aware of each other, and, together, yet separately, they contribute to unlocking the secret of the ancient talismans [the stone and the mirror] that will have far-reaching and potentially catastrophic consequences. Part Science fiction and part fairy tale, even Soio [Merlin from King Arthur’s Court] and the Druids are characters in this dazzling sci-fi fable.

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